Information- Bear Scat Images – How to Identify

When in the woods and you run across a large pile of what you may believe is Bigfoot Poop, it just may very well be left by a Bear. People are often thinking that bear scat is the droppings from the legendary Sasquatch. We have put together several images of bear scat to help you better identify it.

Keep in mind, that depending on the diet of the bear it’s scat can look different.

Identifying bear scat can be quite interesting as it gives insights into the bear’s diet and habits. Here are some key points to help you identify bear scat:

  • Shape and Size: Bear scat is typically tubular with a blunt end and a slight taper. It can be quite large, measuring 5 to 12 inches long and 1.5 to 2.5 inches in diameter for black bears. Grizzly bear scat tends to be even larger.
  • Contents: The scat’s contents can tell you a lot about what the bear has been eating. In the spring and early summer, it’s usually filled with vegetation and insect parts. During berry season, it may be loose and filled with berries and seeds. You might also find remains of small mammals or fish, depending on the bear’s diet.
  • Color: The color of bear scat varies with diet. It can range from black to brown when the bear is eating a mixed diet and green when eating mostly grasses.

Remember, while black bear and grizzly bear scats are similar, grizzly scat is generally larger and may contain different food remnants based on their habitat and diet. Always be cautious and respectful of wildlife and consider carrying bear spray when in bear country.

Samples of Bear Scat

So, as you look over the different samples of bear scat you can notice that they vary in great detail. It is often mistaken for Bigfoot Poop. If you run across some scat in the woods that you are curious about or can’t identify and want to investigate it further, I would recommend taking pictures and collecting a sample to have analyzed.

What does Bigfoot Scat Look Like?

There are descriptions of what purported Bigfoot scat might look like based on anecdotal reports. It is often described as being similar to bear scat but can be distinguished by the presence of unique elements. According to some sources, Bigfoot scat may contain:

  • Vegetation
  • Berries
  • Shell fragments
  • Bones or bone fragments

It’s also suggested that the size of the scat could be considerable, reflecting the large size of the animal that would have produced it.

Things to KNOW about:

When coming across a site that has potential Bigfoot Poop make sure to keep the area secure, don’t disturb the surroundings until you collect the evidence. Photograph and video everything. Take measurements. Look for footprints, hand impressions and things of that nature. Try not to disturb thins until you have collected all relevant information. Then collect a sample for analysis.

Did you find something?

If you came across something in the woods and took pictures or video, let us know. Contact us and if it is found to be of use, we could post your findings on our site and include it in our data analysis.

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